Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Glad that I missed the pacing by 2 mins plus as a 2.45 Pacer - Pune Womens Half Marathon

Glad i missed the pacing time of 2.45 by 2 mins plus ....

As I gave a firm glance to my  TomTom the time read  2.41 and I could feel  my inner voice saying “Nair saab  run now, leave that lady alone , go for your target pacing time “ ,being a 2.45 pacer at Pune Womens Half Marathon . Have been pacing from few years for different time requirements  at various events and have never missed a pacing timing .

So on sunday , had a choice of completing yet another pacing successfully or to cross the line with the young lady whom I was pacing ….she too was aware that we had to cross at 2.45 .


Neha was running her first half marathon and had ran few 10kms before . FreeRunners  invited me to pace their event Pune Womens Half Marathon first of its type in pune . Believe me , the registrations were free and the registration had been full long back . Saturday was a busy day since I was allotted a  stall to showcase the book TheyInspire . So , me , mala and shloka took this opportunity as a break from our busy times . Met many friends Sunil and Sangeeta , Swetha , Amit and Samaira, Kalyani and Shailesh , Yogesh , Taru , chandan , Aziz , Arati  . Many friends from Pune whom I  have known on social media . 

We were up 0400 next morning and along with sunil and sangeeta I reached the starting point , after warm up and some zumba , meeting many friends , the race was flagged off .
Since , I was recovering from a ITB few weeks back , my physio had  instructed me to do runs of lesser distance i.e 4 kms , 8kms , 10 kms and 21kms in a gradual progression as per my treatment schedule . All my shorter distance runs were good and pain free , so I decided to give my confirmation as a pacer .

I wanted to pace 2.30 but Sangeeta requested me to pace 2.45 . For me 2.45 is a very comfortable pace last one odd years since my training has been good and I was regularly clocking 2.10 to 2.15 in all practice runs . So I started  cautiously,  mind saying  “run easy” . Recently had attended couple of workshop on running and I thought this was the right time to implement all the techniques . So started running along with few lady runners most of them first time HMers   . As the kms passed by so did the runners , some going ahead and some dropping the pace . Route was undulating and was a tough one .

My only worry was people seeing me enroute with a flag on my head like a roosters crown should not mistake me to be a eveteaser who was chasing and running alongside the strong , beautiful and tough women…..  laath aur punch naa pade.

Gave lot of input  to many first time and seasoned runners who were running with me. (Note : This inputs I have gained from many senior and experienced runners whom I run with “I am not a coach”)  . Told many running stories humorous as well as serious . So 04 to 05 runners were part of my pacing bus  , I took them till 10.5kms sweeping , motivating and visualizing  them the feeling of crossing the finish line .

A young lady probably in her fifties did enquire whether I was from Telugu Film Industry (blushing ….no I am from Malayalam movies …., I have come to pace you ) . She smiled and so did me till we disbursed .

Two particular ladies were in and around in my line of sight  from 3kms . So my task was zeroed on to get this ladies cross the finish line in either 2.45 or motivate them to goahead at right time . One of them was Neha I asked her name around 17 Km….. was telling her stories and other girl I don’t remember her name . She was ahead and would drop pace and I would push her ahead . At 18th Km told her if you do it in 2.38 I will send you a gift (#TheyInspire) , she went ahead and did complete . She later sent me a message she did in 2.44 and the day she do a 2.38 she will ping me for the reward. She want to earn it . Loved the spirit .

 I was sharing with Neha inputs about running and training . At 19th Km  a steep incline stared  , she decided to walk , I too followed  her with constant look on my watch . At 20th Km I told her we need to do a 2.45 since we have a good 8 to 9 mins . However , she would run and walk . She was getting tired , she requested me to go ahead , I had two minds , if I run I will probably do yet another successful pacing and if I take her along I may miss the timing by a minute or so .

Someone who trusted me to take along  as a pacer since this was a special event since the task was to pace someone and to achieve her dreams . She requested me to goahead and not to miss 2.45 , I stayed back with her to complete along with her the first HM for her ……with she crossing ahead , I following her , it was like “Jaa Simran jee le teri zindagi”,   together we achieved a dream she crossing the finish line and seeking a memorable event of lifetime for her and me crossing the finish line and seeking the satisfaction of achieving her dream.

Glad that I missed timing by couple of  minutes or so…… 2.47.59 to be precise (Official timing )….


  1. Salute to your spirit Bijay

  2. This reminded me of my first hm... lost the bus somewhere... but during scmm ran upto venkat sir at 18th km where almost i was thinking DNF... i told him.. dnt leave me n go this time... he made sure he didn't.....😊He missed by few mins too...
